Aesthetic Dentistry Needs

I recently read something that really changed my perspective on dental hygiene and health. It’s not something that I’ve ever really cared about because my teeth look fine with just regular brushing, but apparently, our teeth require so much more than that. Apparently, it’s super important to get your teeth professionally cleaned every six months because regular brushing fails to achieve what the dentists can achieve. I know this makes sense, but I didn’t realise just how different the results were.

I truly thought that the people who went to the dentist just had to because they had bad teeth. I thought that having good teeth meant I didn’t have to go. But I was wrong. People don’t just go to the dentist for aesthetic dentistry, they go to the dentist to make sure their teeth are healthy for the years to come. I didn’t realise that my teeth could genuinely fall out if I didn’t get them checked properly.

Because of what I read, I’m going to book into the dentist for the first time in twelve years. I haven’t gone to the dentist since I moved out of home, simply because I couldn’t see the point. Well, I see it now. I value my appearance too much to have a tooth fall out because brushing my teeth wasn’t enough. I just hope that the Bayside dental specialists that I’ve booked with can do what I need them to do.

I’m not going to tell them that I haven’t been to the dentist in twelve years, just to see if they notice. If they don’t, maybe what I read was a bit of an over-exaggeration. I’ll update you once I know what they think of my teeth. It would be nice if I hadn’t been wrong all of these years, but I guess we’ll find out soon. 

Chat soon,
